Saturday, January 26, 2008

Etsy Front Page, 1.26.08

Jewelry Party

So, it looks like we'll finally be doing our first jewelry home show, and I'm so excited! I've been wanting to get into the whole home show thing for a while, but I haven't really known where to begin. So now I've got a great customer who is super-motivated to host the party, and now I need to figure out what sorts of games to play and all that fun stuff. If anyone has experience that they'd like to share, I'd love to hear it! :o)

Here's the promo piece that I designed (with the help of the Etsy Poster Sketch) to be sent out with the email invitations...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

World Domination - First Stop: Israel

A couple of days ago, I was contacted by the fashion editor for Israel's largest news site, Nana, who wanted to do a story on us and our rings. The story's up now, and it looks really awesome, although I have no idea what it says. I hope it's flattering! :o)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Top Seller?????????????


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crafting 365 - Day 1

Today I'm jumping into the Crafting 365 project on Flickr--committing to doing (and documenting) something crafty every single day. I'm a little intimidated by the idea, but I'm looking forward to the pressure kick-starting me on days when I'm feeling lazy...

Here's Day One--a special order that I just finished up and submitted for approval:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Fabulous Fabulous

Many thanks to Jill, who featured our rings in her adorable blog, Fabulous Fabulous. So exciting!


I've been having trouble getting online lately (no internet access yet in our new place), so I've been focusing instead on making, making, making! To wit--our new rings! I'm excited about these--I initially made them for the Bust Craftacular last month, and now we're finally selling them in our shop. Yay!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Finally Some New Stuff

We've had to take a little break from our shop to get our house spiffed up and ready to sell, but now we're finally back and posting some new necklaces (with tons more to come).



A Delicate Flight

Fly Away Home


Brass Ring

New Year, New Banner

I made a new banner for our Etsy shop last night--what do you think? I thought it needed a little freshening up, but I'm never sure if I'm improving or not.

